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tv   Morning Blend  ABC  February 11, 2016 9:00am-10:00am PST

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thursday thirsty. the curtain closes on jubilee tonight. i cannot believe it's been more than 30 years. it's unreal to think it's not going to be on the strip anymore. >> the show debuted in 1981. they shunning down the cast but 30 people work on the team for the wardrobe. the rhinestones, the fathers, the headgear, it's so sad to see that go away. what's going to be sad is when you drive towards the strips you don't see the jubilee butt in front of your face. >> hopefully we can buy it at auction and hang it in my house. >> i know. it's terrible. thank you for joining us today and spending your morning with us. i'm dao vu. >> i'm shawn tempesta. good morning. >> coming up today on "the morning blend," celebrate chinese new year's through art,
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>> is angelina jolie looking to turn celine dion's marriage into a major moon picture? norm will be with us for the scoop. >> the pick of the liter, feel like your life needs something new this think blue. this handsome boy needs a forever home and yours could be the right place. >> here with more is president of the nspca kathy jung. she is joined with -- this is like the presidency, the whole thing. united nations in front of us. , dave mizradhi who is adding incentive for whoever brings blue home. good to have you, too, blue. did he lose a bet? >> he's a chinese crested mix. that's why he has no -- he doesn't have any hair. >> no kidding. >> he's a -- anybody who adopts him needs to make sure they have the proper skin care. if you come down to the shelter, we'll teach you how to do it, tell you the proper care.
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he will get sunburned. he gets cold easy. the temperature of his skin is pretty hot but that's normal for this breed. he is very happy. >> how did you get him? >> the brief i wouldn't know owners didn't know how to take care of him. he came in and had skin issues, but we have it all cleared up now and he's a happy boy and ready to go home. >> trying to keep in the shade, probably best. >> absolutely. in the wintertime you want to buy him a sweater, so if you're into dressing up the dogs this is your man. >> and you don't have to worry about the hair because there is no -- >> there's no hair to attach. >> good with other dogs? >> great with other dogs. he is crate trained and house trained. when you bring hem home, get him on your schedule and it will be a perfect match. >> i love the smile, very cute. >> you decided to partner up with the nspca. can you tell us why? >> because they are a great organization. i'm a pet lover, have a dog myself.
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great thing and kathleen is doing a great job with the organization. it was the right thing to do. >> growing up as a small child i had a bed about this size. how did you come up with this idea? >> i wanted to give a little incentive so that every time kathleen brings a dog in that we will supply a pet bed for that dog. it's a zero serta bed. it's a serta, that's right. >> you can go online and buy this on your website. >> you can go to our website and go to the product section and you'll see pet beds. >> there is more than just one. >> there is all different types. >> and you can wash the cover. >> you can wash it, keep it clean, and go to the website and you can order, there is different sizes and different all from serta. >> that's phenomenal. i know it's important for you because you don't get federal funds.
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can from people and from the community. >> oh, absolutely. and what a fun incentive for blue to go home. not only are you going to take home a great mate but his bed, as well. >> you have plenty of other pets that need to be adopted. what type of pets do you need? >> in addition on the dogs and cats we have a potbellied pig, we have a duck. please easter is coming up. if you are considering a bunny for easter come down to the shelter, spend time with our rabbits and see if a bunny is good for your home. >> need for donations as always, not only monetary, but goods, as well. >> oh, absolutely. it's the time of year that we could really use some cleaning supplies. we're doing really good spring cleaning, so if you have simple green or bleach. and if you have time, if you have time to come down and help us, we can always use light bulbs changed. our staff is so overwhelmed with feeding and taking care of these pets. the volunteer stuff that we could use is the maintenance on the building.
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to the big game pups that were in? >> all three -- i don't know if you were able to watch, but little magic got a penalty for excessive barking. imagine that. little loud mouth came from las vegas. he got good playtime and at the end you got to see toby get taken by his new family. so it was heartwarming. it was great. >> that's so cool. what is life like in the mattress industry? used to be you get a mattress and that was it, just a mattress. now there are so many things to choose from, so many different options. >> there is a lot of choices, and you need to come to one of our stores, have time to lay on the mattress, have our sleep experts fit you for the right mattress. >> turn off the lights and let us take a nap? >> we could do that. a lot of our customers actually fall asleep, checking it out. >> so comfortable.
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technology in the mattresses that are health and wellness benefits. >> and you say if you buy a bed you have to give it 30-days to try at home, because when you're used to sleeping on a bed that is not comfortable, you have to get used to the new norm. >> well, if you're on that old mushy bed you had for ten or 12 years when you get a new bed it's a totally different feel and your body has to get used to it. that's why we have a 120-day satisfaction guarantee. >> that's awesome. >> if you feel it's not right. >> putting his money where his mouth is. alicia. >> she went home almost instantly when i came back. >> wonderful. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> great having you. >> if you would like to adopt blue head down to the nevada nevada spca shelter. for more information visit the your screen. they're also on facebook and twitter. >> if you adopt blue first of all, you are a good person.
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bargain shopper. you got a dog bed from best mattress. they partnered with the spca for the deal. and if you like more information you can visit the website or call the number listed. and watch "the morning blend" every morning for the sleep tip of the week sponsored by best mattress. swing into chinese new year.
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stay right there. there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. to a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. a nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone.
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if we listen to our conscience and our hearts and not to the pundits and the naysayers. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message,
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welcome back. on the heels of the 20th 20th anniversary at the oyster bar, at palace station, enjoy your favorite new orleans and marredy agree style food now at santa fe station. >> here to help us different in is alam levya and megan estoup. good morning. and thank you for joining us. you have a long history with the oyster bar. can you tell us about it. >> it started 20 years at palace station, and it's a tiny, secluded sparks about 18 seats. some of the best food, and it expanded from there.
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valley ranch, texas, and now at santa fe station. and we were lucky enough to bring a chef in over to santa fe. >> you stole her. >> we did. >> it was a trade for a -- >> there you go. >> this is really -- it's a really great restaurant. people love it at the other location. to have it in that part of the valley is great. >> it's fantastic response. we've only been open a couple weeks and we had great response from guests. we have a long line of guests wanting to come in and dine and relax. >> can you tell us about some of the things you brought in today? >> shirtily. chef make began will be preparing a dish for you, a combination pan roast and i'll let her tell you about that. >> sure. it's the most popular item on the men out. lobster. and i got it started for you. i've been sauteeing the seafood
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peppers, and the house blend seasoning. our guests can add chili flakes. >> you worked at the palace station, obviously famed for all of the -- what was -- what's special about this new location that put it above and beyond and made them steal you? >> well, i think we're lucky enough to be able to offer our guests all the same dishes, that are staples at the palace station. we have a few items new and exclusive to santa fe, like our fish and chips, and also our house made monkey bread pudding. >> delicious. and what are your hours? >> we start nightly at 5:00 and go to 9:00, sunday through thursday, and 10:00 friday and saturday nights. >> can we start? you do the work for us.
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here that sour dough bread. >> yes. most places offer new england chowder. we offered an additional selection. it's going great for us, red chowder. we have what chef megan is preparing for you. we have right here oysters in the half shell. on the oysters on the half shell we're able to carry several types of oysters. >> these are from all over the country. >> what you have right here, this is from louisiana. this is from the pacific northeast with. over there we have some that originated in japan and became part of the pacific northwest. and right here we have the tail on. >> this is exclusive to santa fe. >> indeed. >> i was paying attention. >> and we have homemade, and lemon chowder, and what we did
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have to dip your fish into a malt vinegar. and we have our seafood combination, lobster, jumbo shrimp cocktail, and last but not least all the way at the end we have crabs, clams, and just wonderful rich tomato. >> i felt like i needed to give it the whole 360 because there is a lot here. it's impressive. >> do we need a rest reservation? h you don't. you have to come and join the line. it's part of the experience. i made many friends while i have been waiting in line at an oyster bar before and that is one of our attractions. you can have a cocktail while you wait in line, engage with other guests. >> that should be the trademark. there you go.
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at 5:00. we have pictures of the dishes and the restaurant. it's a beautiful location. >> thank you. we're very proud of the location, and there are great features to it. do you want to talk about the roast? >> sure. we glaze the pan with brandy. i can hit it with a little bit of our -- you have to wait for it to come to a simmer and it's ready to go. >> awesome. anyone from new orleans they are very particular about their king cake. and you have this brought here. >> absolutely. >> from the home of king cake. >> i was born and raised in new orleans. this was the bakery i ate from. there is a baby hidden in a slice. >> i love this. >> people that have never had it before, they're like there's a what in there? there is a baby that you can find inside here. >> and if you bring it to a
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time you have to bring the king cake. >> that's part of the tradition. >> it's like catching the bouquet. awesome. very cool. and what are the hours? >> 5:00 to 9:00 sunday through thursday and 5:00 to 10:00 fridays. >> you can have a cocktail while you're in line. and so when you order, you -- since i have not been there yet, sometimes? >> yes, five, ten, 15 guests waiting in line. we come out and serve you a cocktail. we brought two of them today. this one is a traditional take on the hurricane, and we put it on spin -- >> thank you very. i only drink on the show, >> on the job only. thank you so much. place.
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sink your teeth into the oyster bar station at the north ranch location nightly at 5:00. for a menu check out the website on your screen, or you can give them a call. they're also on facebook and twitter. pretty delicious. >> i'm going to need a designated host in a second. saying farewell to a las vegas staple. more on the curtain call on the strip. are you on facebook or twitter? like or follow us. you can find "the morning blend" on both.
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we will be right back. $18.9 billion, that's how much experts estimate americans spent on retail last year for valentine's day. the holiday of love has many people kissing their money goodbye. will you be guilty of doing the same this weekend? joins us to explain are nick strobelt and abe ashton from ashton strobelt. gentlemen, hello. >> happy to be here. >> they wanted to brag about their socks. >> we feel like we got a gentleman's game going. you came out swinging. >> they're pink. you can't beat that unless --
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big to beat pink and grey stripes. you would have to do something like, you know, maybe possibly darth vader. take. and i'm willing to go there in order to win. >> you get that as a valentine's day gift? >> not yet. i got a whole different pair that i'm going to get for valentine. >> $18.9 billion? >> small amount of money. $18.9 billion. >> that's a lot. >> do you want to put it in contrast? let's take about what $19 billion essentially is. the entire proposed budget for nasa, okay? this is -- we just came out yesterday, the budget for -- $19 billion, or the purchase of whatsapp by facebook was than that. the entire budget for cyber security for the government, that's what president obama just asked for, was $19 billion to
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day. we now sell roses instead ofncial advice. from one person. when they break it down by per person it's about $140. >> everybody spends a little bit. dollar. >> people seem to by into it that you have to do it. what are your thoughts on that? >> you know, older folks typically spend less on valentine's day than younger folks. the younger folks, 35 and 44, are usually ones spending the most on valentine's day. those 65 and older tend to less than half of them really celebrate valentine's day. >> they realize it's just a day. >> it's just a day. but at the same time it's good to be frying, which is, of course, you know beneficial, but it's also important to take care of the ones you care most about your spouse, your significant other, things like that. and so there is a good balance to make sure that people are getting treated well. but what we find financially
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older you are, typically the less money you spend. as you approach retirement. 55-year-old will spend more than a 75-year-old. just because that's nature, they don't want to go out as much, don't want to spend as much money ongoing to movies and things like that. >> people that have been married for 40 years are saying hey, listen, she is stuck with me at this point. >> what are flower going to do at this point. >> and it's something to be said, you can do something special for your sweetie and not necessarily break the bank doing it. >> yeah. think of anything right now, except for maybe you can go on television and look right in the camera's eyes and say sweetheart, i love you, thank you for being my valentine, you are the girl of my dreams and the best thing that ever happened to me but other than that i can't think of anything that you can do that wouldn't
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>> rewind on the dvr. i mean, for people that are older, not only you know, not that the romance is dead but they've done the dates, they go more relaxed but some people are on limited budget. >> most women will tell men it's the thought that counts, and we as men have a hard time believing that because we're so monetarily driven, right? we view so much of what we earn and what we spend and what we drive and what we have, and most women will tell us no it's about the feeling, that's why a note from their child means so much to them. and we can't really quantify that value, but i have seen with my wife and other women who have shared their stories, especially retired people we meet with, and a gentleman is really showing heartfelt affection and thinking about their spouse, it goes farther than whatever dollar may purchase anyway. and so that's what we need to remember is them, that our
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is saying buy me diamonds. >> wow. you guys are -- >> right. our sisters i tease them quite a bit. the point is you can get even more mileage being heartfelt and sincere as spending a few hundred dollars on whatever it is the rose or the chocolate of the day. >> if you're in it for the long haul a great gift is the gift of sound financial plan, isn't it? >> it really is. we find that -- we have client appreciation dinner this past week, where folks came in and what they wanted to hear about at the client appreciation dinner, which was hey, what happens and how do we protect our spouses even when we're gone? i say that's very romantic. we're talking about valentine's day and we're going to kill one of the spouses for the conversation. what happens for social security survivor benefits. how do iras get inherited. how does it work when we transition from one spouse to a surviving spouse?
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is for those people that figure that is their most important goal when they're worried about transitions and making sure their loved ones are taken care of after they're gone. >> quickly let's talk about your portfolio reviews and what you offer. >> this is a great time. the portfolio is -- review is for anyone that might be concerned over what their portfolio is doing how it's holding up in today's current market. it might be a time to reevaluate where your positions are. this review is helpful for you if you're just wanting to get a good sense of lou protected you are and what you are currently invested in. and so it's a great review just to get yourself setup right for retirement. >> there is a lot of broken hearts today with the market down again. wives are saying why are we in the market, we're so close to retirement? we can show them a more conservative option. you don't have to gamble your money. >> we have to go but i'm going to let them know about something they can take advantage of.
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ashton strobelt offering reviews to the first five callers at the number on your screen. ashton strobelt is a proud sponsor of "the morning blend." be sure to tune in every thursday morning on "the morning blend" for more information on ashton strobelt, located on saint rose parkway in henderson. schedule an appointment today. you can check out their website or call the number listed for more information. the boutique at zaposs is welcoming everyone to celebrate the year of the monkey. there's going to be an art exhibit, dragon dance and live painting demonstration. the official swag shop, located at city hall downtown. and the event is free and open
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centurylink prism tv has all your favorite channels, tons of live sports, and more. watch when and where you want with advanced features like our wireless set-top box, whole home dvr, and prism on the go. and choose from a variety of great packages to fit your home. call... ...and get started with the prism essential tv bundle. you'll get showtime and starz free for 3 months plus up to 40 megs of centurylink internet all for only $70 a month. this deal sounds great, especially if you love sports. get prism essential tv and up to 40 megs of internet for only $70 a month. score! or, if you love great movies... [ southern accent ] hey, clementine, go on and get prism essential tv with up to 40 megs of internet for only $70 a month. hyah! [ whip cracks ] [ normal voice ] call... get started with prism essential tv plus up to 40 megs of internet speed. just $70 a month for a year with autopay. speed may not be available in your area. only from centurylink.
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make this valentine's day one you and your partner will never forget. >> micah discovered how to keep the romance flowing. micah. >> dao and shawn, thanks. valentine's day is romantic time of year. you want to show someone you really care. blossom your relationship this year and joining us with ideas for couples is dr. chris donaghue. good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> i'm doing well.
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morning, and with valentine's day right around the corner, we want to be romantic, so how do we do so? >> preparation. you know, valentine's day is that one day out of the year where you really get to show your partner or your other that they're important to you. please prepare. i think there is nothing worse than trying to pull together last minute because it feels that way. don't just try to last minute pull whatever you have around the house together. it's about experience. did he. >> i know once you're in relationship longer you can tell the signs of if someone is planning the whole last-minute deal, so you're not going to get away with it. >> yeah, please don't try to do that. there's nothing worse than that. we have really busy lives and this is the one day you're allowed to set everything aside and just make it about romance, so do that. and i love the idea of doing things at home. i think going out for valentine's day can be nice, but it can be distracting. at home, you can control the entire environment.
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senses. so number one, turn off all your technology, put your phone down, turn off the computer, the tv, because it's all about making it just a quiet, romantic, the two of us only kind of scenario. also food. and these days it's all prepped for us. go get one of those premade food companies where it's all the ingredients put together, and you can make it with your partner, and you can turn that into part of the date where we're going to cook together or cook it beforehand. but it's also about doing what you have to do that makes you feel kind of romantic. so i say for the women, bath oils, perfume, whatever you do that is different, because this is a different day. and for guys, there's products that can help them where they can get more confidence, they can feel more passionate and pleasure for the day. and it's also about visuals. so turn the lights down, get candles, just focus on the environment, because again it's about not thinking about anything else.
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should we maybe play some tunes in the background to kind of set the mood a little bit? >> absolutely. absolutely. i want full environment where you are taken away from anything else that's happening and not thinking about anything else. music is important. and again, we have spotify, we have our ipods. but on some kind of play list that will be slow, romantic, sexual, because again it's about you and this other person, and really taking that night to connect with them. >> i know you want us to put away the electronics but what about watching a romantic movie? >> absolutely. romantic comedies are good. it can definitely set the mood, make it more romantic. i recommend watching that beforehand. romantic comedies have really good ideas, adorable scenarios that you can mimmick and create yourself. maybe watch beforehand or google
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scenes and try to recreate that. it's one day out of the year. >> and the countdown is on, the deadline is coming up just a few days away. >> yes. it's coming up. so start planning something, because again it's not about you, it's about the other person. so do something so they walk away knowing you cared. >> any other tips you can give us this morning whether it be for first time couples or couple trying to reignite the flame? >> yeah, that's a good question, because i think no matter if it's a new relationship or older relationship, it's still a beautiful, powerful day to say i care. for couples that have been together for a long time it's really easy to let that go and think you don't need that, don't have to do that, and say my husband, my wife, they know i love them, i don't want to do this. yes, you do. it's easy to forget those things. and we're so busy, we forget to sit down quietly, forget to hold
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make eye contact and that's what this day is about. take advantage of valentine's day. >> great tips this morning. dr. donaghue, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> make this valentine's day a romantic one. you only have a couple days left. details and more information can be found on the website right there on your screen. dao and shawn i hope you plan something special for your significant others. >> i certainly have something going on, that's for sure. thank you so much, micah. making plans for valentine's day, how about a romantic tasting experience at ethel m. >> this might be the one for you. we go to that experience where guests will learn how chocolates are made. you're going to experience different varieties of specialty ethel m chocolates. take a look at the tasting room place mat that you'll receive where you can fill in your sensory experience. you're going to receive an ethel m chocolate certificate upon completion of the experience. >> book your experience now through february 14th.
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one at 5:00 p.m., the other at 6:00. each lasts around 30 to 45 minutes, and it's $9.99 per person. reserve your spot by e-mailing the address on your screen. >> since 1981 ethel m chocolates brought gourmet chocolate to nevada and beyond by recreating the original recipe of ethel mars from 1911. to find yours you can go to the website on your screen or call the number. they're also on facebook, twitter and instagram. >> z still to come on "the morning blend," jubilee says goodbye. norm clarke has the scoop.
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stay there. the world a president has to grapple with. sometimes you can't even imagine. that's the job. and she's the one who's proven she can get it done.
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...standing up against the abuse of women... ...protecting social security... ...expanding benefits for the national guard... ...and winning health care for 8 million children... the presidency is the toughest job in the world and she's the one who'll make a real difference for you.
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welcome back to "the morning blend." nothing says i love you like a fine piece of jewelry, whether it twinkles, shimmers, melt your partners heart with a piece that will make your partner's day special. >> here with us is aaron lelah himself. good morning to you and welcome. >> thank you very much. glad to be here. >> great to see you. this is the perfect time for people to show and express their love and a piece of jewelry makes it nice. >> it sure are does. >> you have great ideas. >> oh, my gosh. my watch line. my watch line is a great line. we're doing the chocolate ceramics.
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the chocolate ceramic is water resistant, so you can wear it every day, by the pool, the beaches. it's really fun. we have it in chocolate. we have it in pink. we have white ceramics, two different sizes. we're doing a special for valentine, $2.95, regulare is stuff for women and for men. >> i have a big selection of jewelry for men. quarter of my store is men, the rest of it is women. a good quarter of it is for men. watches, we also engrave for the guys, too. for your timeless love. >> i like that. >> that's cute. >> we can engrave it, do three year warranties, we do the maintenance on it. anyplace else. we take care of it and keep it looking good. >> that's great. >> and that's on all of our jewelry, all of our rings, every two months, and inspections. >> that's great. >> automatically comes with the
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and the big thing for the ladies now is the crisscrosses. this is one of my original designs that i'm making. it's just cute, little diamonds, going crisscrossing the finger. >> in the front right here? the crisscross? >> yes. all of these different styles, really beautiful. >> very, very nice. very attractive. and that seems to be the trend where it's going. >> yes. this is one of the new things that's going to be coming out in the market. you'll see it. similar to the crisscross diamond earnings, pen demands and earrings. i started talking about this three years ago. >> you're ahead of everybody. >> he knows what's out there. >> i started as a little kid doing this. and i followed along. one of the new things that i'm doing in our store is the earring, take a look at this. this was the f colored diamond. there is four diamonds in each -- >> those are four? >> you're buying four smaller
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and now there is 8 fasceting. each has 8 fascets on it. it's sparkling more. and they look like a $20,000 pair of earrings, and only $3,000 on sale. >> that's phenomenal. i would not have -- >> all 14 karates, it's gorgeous. it's absolutely beautiful. and customers coming in see the solid stone, they are buying the quar tee ery. big buy for your dollar. for men, let's go back to men right here. look at these bracelets. we're doing alternative metals for men. stainless, and titanium. $150, 300-dollar gift items, cause some. guys love it. they're starting to wear more jewelry. the trend started going away from jewelry for men, you know, watch and a ring and that was it.
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buying jewelry jewely again. >> people love it. >> and we carry this beautiful line of sterling silver, with platinum and 18 karat diamonds, combinations, start at $300 to $1,000. this has been a very good gift item, very nice. and then i want to talk about bridal. bridal is one of my specialties. all these rings, couple pieces that i brought down here, is our bridal. we only carry better grades. i don't do any commercial grades in our store. we hand make our pieces. each piece is made with love. >> i can attest to this. i walked in and told them the idea i had for the ring and he sketched it in front of me. the sketch was a little -- but it -- my goodness, when it -- it looks better than what i imagined it would be. it's incredible work you do. >> one of the new things the technology today, i'm taking my camera, my phone, and taking
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taking pictures of us working, and we're sending it, texting it to our customers because they can't sit there the ten days, 15 days that it takes us to make it. we're taking pictures along the way and put it into a video for the customer. >> so cool. >> and i want to show you this new ring that i just made up. >> oh, wow. >> this is wood initially. we're making it with 14 karat gold. i'm cutting out wood. >> this is a great trend right now. >> it's the new thing. isgoing to be my next wedding ring. i'm on my 23rd. >> i was going to say, you didn't trade in the wife, you traded in the ring. >> he knows the guy. it's all right. it's great having you as always. >> you have a special really quickly. >> for valentine's day, we're going to do a free refinishing. so just bring in your jewelry. we're going to polish, clean, inspect it. and we're giving you a full care package, cleaner, polishing
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>> that's phenomenal. >> mention "the morning blend" that you heard us here, and we'll get you a package. >> thank you so much. great to see you again. tell the family we said hello. >> happy valentine's day. give that special someone in your life a gift that they'll remember forever. to see more fabulous finds from aaron lelah you can go to aaron lelah or check out the number listed there. up next is a move on celine's romance with her late husband in the works? the rumors are swirling. do you know someone who truly makes a difference in the community? you can recognize them with our "give back" award. click on give back, fill out the form and one lucky person will receive $500 for the great work they do from america first credit union, a proud sponsor of
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we'll be right back. there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system
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but i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the ameri to a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. a nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. i know we can create that america if we listen to our conscience and our hearts and not to the pundits and the naysayers. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message,
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welcome back. the strip says farewell to one of its longest running shows, and a hollywood heavy hitter may be bringing a true love story to the screen. >> the latest celebrity news.
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>> 30 plus years for junely. >> that is remarkable. >> it's so sad. >> yeah. i sort of feel like i'm closing a loop because i covered the mgm fire that created the new show, and -- >> and hollywood something. >> and so to see it -- we're going tonight, and it's -- i heard there is an after party with a lot of cast members going back, and i think they had a great reunion two or three years, bringing everybody to town. it's going to be a sad night, but wow, what an icon. >> what a run. >> do you think anything like this will come back to vegas? >> i think it's going to be a while. i think -- i think we'll still see the fantasy at luxor is -- you will see a show almost every
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>> let's talk about singer steve lawrence. >> coming back, getting back on the horse. he is going to be singing and performing in palm springs. first time back since he lost his beloved edi gourmet. and -- >> in 2013. >> yes, 2 1/2 years, he's been away from the limelight. so -- >> how long did it take to do the show? >> i understand it was like in ten days. it was over. and so he's beloved there. they performed there i believe five or six days in a row, and it was all sell outs back in the day. >> and he's 80 something. and still performing. >> he will turn 81 on my birthday, july eighth. so wolfgang puck and myself --
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>> greatness was born that day. >> stars were aligned, yes, they were. >> angelina jolie is thinking about producing a love story based on celine's relationship and marriage to rene. >> that story is out there, but the report i saw had no attribution. when i googled, there was something called celeb dirty laundry and i don't consider that credible. and so i would have to wait to see that. that's one of those things that i'll believe it when i see it. >> i'm sure someone will do it. >> yes. >> just don't know who. but that would be great. they've known each other since she was 12-years-old when she met him. >> and mortgaged his house to finance her career and get it going. i think i saw you guys last week, we went to that. >> as much as it pains me to say the broncos are super bowl
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connection and there is going to be a party. >> yes, great vegas connection. brandon marshall, the starting inside linebacker is coming back for super bowl, going to honor him for being in the super bowl. and they're going to have a party over at the chateau at the -- at the las vegas, and so that's good to see. i mean, he's really great guy, and he's got a heck of a story. his dad was basically castaway from the family for abusiveness and his mom raised him and raised quite a son. >> what is happening? >> saturday night. >> he'll be at chateau. >> and a good friend of our shown marin wade is going to be making an appearance.
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green in for his 90th birthday party. and she is going to be in a show girl outfit, so that will be one more reason to see the show. she is a doll. looking forward to that. >> definitely. thank you so much, norm. >> the number is on your screen. >> if you have any questions or tips for norm visit also make sure to read his column in the las vegas review they're one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown -- goldman sachs. just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis
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and millions out of their homes. how does wall street get away with it? millions in campaign contributions and speaking fees. our economy works for wall street because it's rigged by wall street. and that's the problem. as long as washington is bought and paid for, we can't build an economy that works for people.
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time for your senior care moment sponsored by the spotlight senior services guide. this week if you were a former energy worker you may qualify for no cost in-home nursing care services through the department of labor, energy employees occupational illness compensation program. >> the nuclear care partners are the premier in-home care provider for people who worked in the nuclear weapons film, and transporters. services they provide include skilled nursing care, cna support, medication assistance, fall risk assessment meal prep and more. >> if you or someone you know might qualify for the benefits call the number or visit the website on your screen. local rep reuben will come to you and let you know how you may qualify for benefits. you can meet the staff on
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they are one of the sponsors of the fight annual spotlight spectacular. >> sponsored by the spot slight senior services guide. you can contact them at the phone number or website listed on your screen for a free resource guide. >> today on the view, samantha dee on her new show full frontal. dr. richard besser breaks down what you need to know about the zika virus today at 10:00, right after us. >> then today at 2:00 on valley view, love, chocolate and wine, the perfect pairings for a romantic night. the gala that supports local students. >> friday on "the morning blend," tgif. get set for a warm weekend with 13 things to do. the weather has been just a lovely this week. it's been incredible. >> thank you, greg bennett. there is going to be a whole lot of shaking with the stars of million dollar quartet hitting our stage to celebrate the three year anniversary.
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we'll see you then. there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place
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to a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. a nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. i know we can create that america if we listen to our conscience and our hearts and not to the pundits and the naysayers. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message, and i ask for you to caucus for me. thank you. >> announcer: "the view" is live right now. creative campaigning, how
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